Hydronic Forced Air

Bosh Hydronic Air Handler

Indoor Air Quality Products

Hydronic Air Handlers / Fan Coils.

Hydronic Air Handlers can be found in many homes and condos across the GTA. They are available in small duct high-velocity and low velocity variations. As opposed to using a typical forced air furnace, hydronic air handlers use heating coils heated by hot water supplied from a boiler or a tankless water heater. These units also supply the cooling for your home with the simple additional of a cooling coil and outdoor condenser

Here are some reasons you may want to choose a hydronic forced air system for your new design, renovation or system replacement:

  • Hydronic air handlers air comparatively smaller than a traditional furnace. This can allow for greater installation flexibility.
  • Hydronic air handlers provide heating and cooling as a complete central air system.
  • Hydronic air handlers can be part of a standard low-velocity ducting system or a small duct high-velocity system.
  • Hydronic air handlers are a low heat system, meaning they do not introduce over heated dry air from your vents causing wider temperature swings. They can provide comfortable heating for any size home.
  • Hydronic air handlers pair perfectly with radiant infloor systems. They allow for a central cooling system along with supplemental heating, as the system will already have an appropriate hot water heating source installed.
  • Hydronic air handlers can be incorporated as part of a Greener HVAC System.